Service Exchange & Time Banking
Partners In Care is dedicated to helping older adults live and thrive independently. Our range of services provides the support that is otherwise hard for older adults to find and navigate, in an easily accessed and welcoming way.
The culture of our staff, sponsors, donors and volunteers of all generations provides a network to help keep older adults independent, healthy and active community members.
We welcome older adults, and their friends and families, to explore what Partners In Care offers. There is service exchange provided by volunteer members and donors, plus there are enhanced fee based services.
hours exchanged

I am very happy with Partners In Care. They treat me nice. The volunteers give me options so I don’t have to keep leaning on my neighbors to get me around town.
Mr. K. Service Exchange Member

Partners In Care is great! I love all the volunteers; they are wonderful. All the employees are very nice.
Ms. N., CFL Member

Having to give up your care and living alone makes one stuck. Partners In Care’s transportation service offers a convenient alternative to the bus or taxi.
Ms. T, Service Exchange Member

The assistance and help Partners In Care offers is very valuable and has helped me more than anything else. Keep up the good work!
Mr. T., Service Exchange Member

I really appreciate the rides. All the volunteers seem to be very nice. I really enjoy the Low-Vision Group; it helps me not feel alone and learn new skills to help me.
Ms. V., CFL Member

Partners In Care has given me the opportunity to continue with my appointments even though I don’t drive. I give them an appointment date and time, and I get a very reliable drive that takes me to my appointment and brings me back home safely. Thank you PIC for all you do.
Ms. H, CFL Member
A Special Thanks To Our Partners & Sponsors